Koh Pen Beach - Attraction Places in Cambodia Beach

Koh Pen beach is classified as a Cambodia Beach recreation park and one of the popular beaches of the Kampong Cham. The site of Koh Pen Beach is located midway to Kampong Cham and Kampong Siem District. The distance is about two kilometers from the Provincial Town of Kampong Cham.

You can reach Kampong Cham city from Phnom Penh. The highway between Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham is one of the best in the country. The itinerary is beautiful and you are sure to take pleasure from the wonderful sight. You can avail buses that run along the route frequently. In addition to that the city can be accessed from the nearby cities on your motorcycle or car. Koh Pen Beach, Kampong Cham is a must visit attraction for its beautiful beaches, fun recreational activities, and popular water sports.

Koh Pen Beach - Attraction Places in Cambodia Beach Koh Pen Beach - Attraction Places in Cambodia Beach Reviewed by Yim on 10:02 AM Rating: 5

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